Renew Vision

Renewing Our Community Through the Gospel

To renew something assumes that it was once good, has subsequently been ruined, but is in the process of being restored. This is the story of the Bible. Everything God made was good. Human sin brought ruin and devastation to every part of our existence. The gospel, or good news, is that God is working to renew and restore his fallen creation through Jesus Christ.

We believe that the gospel message is not merely a body of truth to be acknowledged, but that it is the very power of God that transforms and renews everything it comes in contact with - personal lives, families, workplaces, and whole societies.

This renewal begins when a person receives the gospel and their once broken relationship with God is restored.

The gospel then becomes the means and power for believers to be renewed in every area of their lives so they become more and more like Jesus Christ.

We envision a movement of the gospel that brings renewal to "our community," which encompasses:

  • OURSELVES: We need the gospel to renew how we relate to God, family, culture, sexuality, money, singlesness, and every other area of our lives.
  • OUR CITY: We envision gospel renewal throughout the CRD as we strive to introduce people to Jesus Christ, increase the number of gospel-centred congregations, engage in social justice, and discover gospel transformation in our work.
  • OUR WORLD: Through global missions and strategic partnerships, we envision Central bringing gospel renewal to those places around the world where we have influence.

The RENEW booklet outlines our vision and the key objectives we believe need to happen in order to see the vision become a reality over the next five years.

A people revitalized.

A city renewed.

A world transformed.